October 2022

The Cuban people are a stronghold of international solidarity

President Geingob adds that Namibia is aware of the coercive measures that lead to harsh economic conditions for the Cuban people, and therefore calls for the lifting of the criminal and inhumane economy -, trade – and financial blockade imposed by the United States.

USA impose new fines for violations of Cuba – blockade

The Treasury has again imposed two fines on Western European companies as part of the blockade – and US – government sanctions policy. It is about CA Indosuez Switzerland S.A. ( CAIS ), which offers wealth management and is based in Switzerland, and CFM Indosuez Wealth ( CFM ), based in Monaco.
The US – International Investment Control Authority ( Ofac ) has justified the penalties in both cases with business activities with Cuba and some other countries, including Iran and Syria.

Once again, our association Cubanos en UK has fallen victim to the United States blockade of Cuba. Stripe, a payment gateway, has frozen our account with almost £1,000 that we had already raised for medical aid for Matanzas’ hospitals in the wake of the terrible fire earlier this month.

Stripe has shamefully and hypocritically hidden the real reason for that decision, after we advised them that implementing unilateral US sanctions on Cuba against individuals and entities in Britain is a violation of UK laws. Instead, they have referred to ‘financial crimes concerns, including money laundering, terrorist financing, corruption, fraud, and other activities’. Cubanos en UK is a community association and is not involved or implicated in any of the activities in Stripe’s restricted business list. It is insulting to even suggest this!

‘The Blockade of Cuba is an Act of Economic Warfare in Peacetime’

Cuba, a small island developing state, has paid a high price for defending its legitimate right to exist as a sovereign and independent nation. For more than six decades we have resisted a ruthless and unilateral economic, commercial and financial blockade intensified in the extreme, to unprecedented levels since 2019 and during the pandemic.

All of life is affected by the blockade

All of life is affected. Even during the pandemic, shipments of protective clothing, medical supplies needed to make vaccines, ventilators, or just masks have been blocked by the US.

Caravana expresses solidarity with the Cuban people!

On the weekend of the 24th of September, activists from Rock Around the Blockade joined together with organisations from all across the world to stand in solidarity with socialist Cuba against the US blockade. This month the caravana coincided with Cubans voting on the Family Code referendum. Whilst Cubans exercised their democratic power to bring about progressive new legislation surrounding family matters, we stood with them against the blockade which affects their everyday lives.